Wednesday, January 25, 2012

207 - I am...

I'm not angry bcoz we broke up,
I'm sad bcoz I can't let you go..
I'm not angry a
t you for not loving me,
I'm angry with me for still loving you..
I'm not angry that I lost you,
I'm sad bcoz I once had you..
I'm not angry that I can't have you,
I'm sad bcoz I know what I'm missing..
I'm not angry that you've moved on,
I'm sad bcoz I can't..
I'm not angry that you won't come back,
I'm sad bcoz I keep hoping you will..
I'm not angry bcoz I hate you and don't want to,
I'm sad bcoz I miss you and I love you.. :'(

Boleh tak kita jadi kawan??? Kawan je pun tak pe la. 

*credits :)

1 comment:

  1. skali kita dh suka kt org tu, smpai bila2 kita suka kt org tu. lgi2 org yg kita suka tu org prtama yg kita suka n cinta. n x de bnda pun yg bole hilangkn prasaan suka tu. prcaya la
